Princess and her Dragon: New Flame
A F/F continuation of The Princess of Her Dragon, a tickle commission from many years ago, this tale follows Princess Lucille and her dragon Inferro encountering a new infiltrator, one of likes they had never faced before and one that the Princess seems very eager to keep around...
+ F/F
+ NSFW, 18+
+ Fantasy
+ Bondage, Tickling, Foot Worship, Domination, Lesbian Romance
+ 8,000 Word Count
This story is a continuation of Princess and her Dragon by Featherscape, which you can read right here:
Princess and her DragonYou can preview this story here:
Princess and her Dragon: New Flame Preview+ F/F + NSFW, 18+ + Fantasy + Bondage, Tickling, Foot Worship, Domination, Lesbian Romance
+ 8,000 Word Count
151 KB
21 pages
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